
Issue Title
VOLUME 7 ISSUE 1, 2019 The tendency of parents’ perception about underestimating the body weight and height of their own children under five years old Abstract  PDF
Siti Helmyati, Setyo Utami Wisnusanti, Dominikus Raditya Atmaka
VOLUME 12 ISSUE 6, 2024 Correlation of menopausal status, nutritional status, and uric acid level in Indonesian women Abstract  PDF
Nisya Cesaryani Rahmasari, Dodik Briawan, Mira Dewi
VOLUME 3, NOMOR 1, JANUARI 2015 Gangguan depresi berhubungan dengan status gizi pasien psikogeriatri di RSJ DR. Radjiman Wediodiningrat, Malang Abstract  PDF
Wawan Agung Prasetyo, Probosuseno Probosuseno, Sumarni Sumarni
VOLUME 10 ISSUE 2, 2022 Quality of consumption and nutritional status of preschool children Abstract  PDF
Agnes Meila Candrasari, Putri Ronitawati, Prita Dhyani Swamilaksita, Mertien Sa'pang
VOLUME 5, NOMOR 1, 2017 Status gizi, kadar hemoglobin, ureum, dan kreatinin pasien konseling gizi hemodialisa Abstract  PDF
Kristiawan P. A. Nugroho, Sarlina Palimbong, Fransiska M. Santoso Putri, Puji Astuti, Ike Listiyowati
VOLUME 6, ISSUE 2, 2018 Nutrition status as dominant factors related to the age of menarche in teenagers Abstract  PDF
Wahyuningsih Wahyuningsih, Nimas Arum Setyaningtyas
VOLUME 12 ISSUE 1, 2024 The role of nutritional status in mediating the relationship between dietary patterns and work productivity in workers at factory X Abstract  PDF
Nadya Meilinda TS, Sapja Anantanyu, Tri Rejeki Andayani
VOLUME 9 ISSUE 1, 2021 The relation between “Picky Eating” behavior and nutritional status of pre-school children Abstract  PDF
Dian Isti Angraini, Rizki Arisandi, Emantis Rosa, Reni Zuraida
VOLUME 4 NOMOR 3, SEPTEMBER 2016 Indeks Massa Tubuh (IMT/U) berhubungan dengan daya ingat anak usia 5-6 tahun Abstract  PDF
Eny Palupi, Ahmad Sulaeman, Angelika Ploeger
VOLUME 11 ISSUE 2, 2023 Chronic energy malnutrition in mothers associated with stunting Abstract  PDF
Alfi Fairuz Asna, Muh. Nur Hasan Syah
VOLUME 4, NOMOR 2, MEI 2016 Kebiasaan jajan dan pola makan serta hubungannya dengan status gizi anak usia sekolah di SD Sonosewu Bantul Yogyakarta Abstract  PDF
Kurnia Noviani, Effatul Afifah, Dewi Astiti
VOLUME 3, NOMOR 2, MEI 2015 Status gizi berhubungan dengan kejadian ISPA pada balita di Wilayah Kerja Puskemas Wonosari I Kabupaten Gunungkidul 2014 Abstract  PDF
Wahyu Febriyanto, Ircham Mahfoedz, Mulyanti Mulyanti
VOLUME 3, NOMOR 2, MEI 2015 Kecemasan dan status gizi berhubungan dengan lama rawat inap pada pasien jantung di RSUD Jenderal Ahmad Yani, Metro, Lampung Abstract  PDF
Eva Nurlindayanti, Susetyowati Susetyowati, Probosuseno Probosuseno, Retno Pangastuti
VOLUME 3, NOMOR 2, MEI 2015 Kebiasaan sarapan tidak berhubungan dengan status gizi anak sekolah dasar di Kabupaten Timor Tengah Selatan, Provinsi Nusa Tenggara Timur Abstract  PDF
Irma Yunawati, Hamam Hadi, Madarina Julia
VOLUME 10 ISSUE 1, 2022 The association of snacking behavior and sodium intake with nutritional status in primary school children Abstract  PDF
Nindy Sabrina, Khoirul Anwar
VOLUME 12 ISSUE 5, 2024 The correlation of nutrition knowledge with dietary diversity and nutritional status of pregnant women Abstract  PDF
Muh. Guntur Sunarjono Putra, Lilik Kustiyah, Mira Dewi
VOLUME 12 ISSUE 4, 2024 The energy intake, nutritional status, menarche at age, and premenstrual syndrome in female adolescents Abstract  PDF
Chendy Tata Lestari, Lilik Kustiyah, Ali Khomsan
VOLUME 10 ISSUE 3, 2022 The effect of eating behavior on the nutritional status of toddlers Abstract  PDF
Sitti Khadijah, Dheska Arthyka Palifiana, Kuntari Astriana, Cicilia Amalinda
VOLUME 3, NOMOR 3, SEPTEMBER 2015 Gambaran status gizi anak 12-24 bulan di Puskesmas Mergangsan Kota Yogyakarta tahun 2015: tinjauan riwayat pemberian ASI eksklusif dan kejadian penyakit infeksi Abstract  PDF
Nurlisa T. Hi. Abdullah, Yhona Paratmanitya, Febrina Suci Hati
VOLUME 10 ISSUE 1, 2022 The impact of nutritional status and maternal behavior on infant growth Abstract  PDF
Erry Yudhya Mulyani, Idrus Jus'at, Anindya Billa Mustika
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