
Issue Title
VOLUME 8 ISSUE 1, 2020 Associated factors of adolescents malnutrition in junior high school student Abstract  PDF
Nuryani Nuryani, Yeni Paramata
VOLUME 11 ISSUE 2, 2023 Chronic energy malnutrition in mothers associated with stunting Abstract  PDF
Alfi Fairuz Asna, Muh. Nur Hasan Syah
VOLUME 10 ISSUE 2, 2022 Scaling-up the role of housewives peer group activists as an effective promotor in early detection and prevention of malnutrition Abstract  PDF
Sri Achadi Nugraheni, Apoina Kartini, Naila Fauziatin, Rizki Septia Saraswati, Niken Wening
VOLUME 10 ISSUE 2, 2022 Nutrient and hedonic value in cookies with Moringa leaf fortification (Moringa oleifera) Abstract  PDF
Rostika Flora, Karin Zikra Nisya, Indah Yuliana, Sugito Sugito
VOLUME 9 ISSUE 2, 2021 Effect of Sago worm flour (Rhynchhorus feirugineus) on Albumin and Haemoglobin in Protein Energy Malnutrition (PEM) Wistar rats Abstract  PDF
Aleda Florince Oyay, Muchlis Achsan. Udji Sufro, Gemala Anjani
VOLUME 3, NOMOR 1, JANUARI 2015 Faktor risiko gizi buruk pada balita di Kabupaten Donggala Provinsi Sulawesi Tengah Abstract  PDF
Eka Prasetia Hati Baculu, M Juffrie, Siti Helmyati
VOLUME 12 ISSUE 2, 2024 Effectivity and cost-effectiveness of oral nutrition supplement on malnourished children: A literature review Abstract  PDF
Siti Helmyati, Maria Wigati, Yuliana Novita Rachmawati, Cut Alima Syarifa, Gifani Rosilia, Renita -
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