Correlation of menopausal status, nutritional status, and uric acid level in Indonesian women
Latar Belakang: Bertambahnya usia dapat menyebabkan perubahan kondisi fisiologis dan psikologis, salah satunya adalah peningkatan kadar asam urat dalam darah atau yang biasa disebut dengan hiperurisemia. Kadar asam urat yang tinggi dalam darah jika tidak ditanggulangi dan dibiarkan dalam rentang waktu yang lama dapat menyebabkan terjadinya berbagai penyakit tidak menular seperti penyakit ginjal kronis, kerusakan sendi dan penyakit kardiovaskular. Prevalensi kejadian hiperurisemia di Indonesia pada tahun 2015 sebesar 18%. Penelitian terkait status menopause dan status gizi pada wanita usia 15-54 tahun di Indonesia masih belum banyak diteliti dengan mengambil beberapa provinsi untuk dijadikan sampel.
Tujuan: Menganalisis hubungan antara status menopause dan status gizi dengan kadar asam urat pada wanita usia 15-54 tahun di Indonesia.
Metode: Desain pada penelitian ini yaitu cross sectional dengan subjek wanita berusia 15-54 tahun pada 10 provinsi di Indonesia dengan total jumlah responden sebanyak 606 responden. Teknik sampling untuk penentuan provinsi dan kota menggunakan purposive sampling dan penentuan kecamatan atau kelurahan menggunakan random sampling. Kadar asam urat diperoleh dari pengukuran darah kapiler dan status gizi diperoleh dari pengukuran antropometri yang dilakukan oleh tenaga kesehatan terampil. Status menopause diperoleh dari wawancara oleh enumerator terlatih yang menanyakan terkait riwayat menstruasi dalam satu tahun. Pengelompokkan status menopause dibagi menjadi belum menopause, pra menopause dan menopause.
Hasil: Sebanyak 42,9% dari total responden mangalami obesitas, sebagian besar berada pada kelompok usia 41-54 tahun. Subjek yang menderita hiperurisemia sebanyak 21.1% dan yang telah memasuki masa menopause dalam penelitian ini sebanyak 11.4%. Adanya hubungan yang signifikan antara status menopause dengan kadar asam urat (p=0,031) dan adanya hubungan yang signifikan antara status gizi dengan kadar asam urat (p<0,001;r=0,193).
Kesimpulan: Kadar asam urat pada wanita yang obesitas dan menopause cenderung akan meningkat jika dibandingkan dengan wanita yang berstatus gizi normal dan belum menopause.
KATA KUNCI: hiperurisemia; kadar asam urat; status gizi; status menopause; wanita
Background: Increasing age can cause changes in physiological and psychological conditions, one of which is an increase in uric acid levels in the blood, commonly referred to as hyperuricemia. High uric acid levels in the blood, if not addressed and left for a long time, can lead to various non-communicable diseases such as chronic kidney disease, joint damage, and cardiovascular disease. The prevalence of hyperuricemia in Indonesia in 2015 was 18%. Research related to menopausal status and nutritional status in women aged 15-54 years in Indonesia has not been widely studied by taking several provinces as samples.
Objectives: To analyze the relationship between menopausal status and nutritional status with uric acid levels in women aged 15-54 years in Indonesia.
Methods: The design of this study was cross-sectional, with female subjects aged 15-54 years in 10 provinces in Indonesia and a total number of 606 respondents. Sampling techniques for determining provinces and cities using purposive sampling and determining sub-districts or villages using random sampling. Uric acid levels were obtained from capillary blood measurements, and nutritional status was obtained from anthropometric measurements conducted by skilled health workers. Menopausal status was obtained from interviews by trained enumerators who asked about menstrual history in one year. The classification of menopausal status was divided into not yet menopausal, pre-menopausal, and menopausal.
Results: A total of 42.9% of the total respondents were obese, mostly in the age group of 41-54 years. Subjects who suffered from hyperuricemia were 21.1%, and those who had entered menopause in this study were 11.4%. There is a significant relationship between menopausal status and uric acid levels (p=0.031), and there is a significant relationship between nutritional status and uric acid levels (p<0.001; r=0.193).
Conclusion: Uric acid levels in obese and menopausal women tend to increase when compared to women with normal nutritional status and not yet menopausal.
KEYWORDS: hyperuricemia; menopausal status; nutritional status; uric acid levels; women
Received: August 26, 2024; Revised: June 10 2024; Accepted: Nov 20, 2024; Available online: Nov 30, 2024; Published: Nov 30, 2024.
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