The correlation between intake of energy, protein, fat of underweight and CD4+ count for children with HIV

Waisaktini Maragareth, Soeharyo Hadisaputro, Ani Margawati



Latar Belakang: Peningkatan infeksi HIV anak di Indonesia searah dengan peningkatan presentase penularan AIDS dari ibu ke anaknya dari 3% (2013) menjadi 4,6% (2015). HIV anak menjalani terapi antiretroviral (ARV) untuk meningkatkan jumlah sel T-CD4+. Stadium klinis berat pada HIV anak menurunkan jumlah CD4+. Pemberian suplementasi zat gizi makro dan mikro dapat meningkatkan status gizi HIV anak yang menjalani ARV.

Tujuan: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis hubungan asupan energi, protein, dan lemak terhadap status gizi berdasarkan berat badan dan jumlah CD4+ pada HIV anak di Kota dan Kabupaten Semarang.

Metode: Penelitian ini menggunakan desain cross-sectional. Subjek yaitu anak usia 1-14 tahun sebanyak 31 subjek. Data dikumpulkan meliputi tinggi badan (TB), berat badan (BB), asupan zat gizi diperoleh dengan metode food recall 2x24 jam. Jumlah CD4+ melalui pemeriksaan darah subjek. Data dianalisis menggunakan uji Chi-square dan Regresi Logistik untuk menghitung Prevalence Rasio (PR).

Hasil: Asupan protein memberikan risiko bermakna terhadap rendahnya jumlah CD4+ (PR=2,8; p=0,018; CI=1,331-5,891).

Kesimpulan: Asupan gizi (energi, protein, lemak) tidak terkait dengan berat badan rendah (BB/U) dan stunting (TB/U). Asupan zat gizi yang berhubungan bermakna dengan jumlah CD4+ yang rendah (<500 sel/mm3) hanya asupan protein.  Asupan protein yang kurang pada HIV anak berisiko mengalami suppresi berat (jumlah CD4+ <500 sel/mm3) sebesar 3,036 kali

KATA KUNCI: asupan gizi, HIV anak , jumlah CD4 +, stunting



Background: The increase in HIV-infected children in Indonesia in line with the increase percentage of HIV positive children from mother to child transmission from 3% (2013) to 4.6% (2015). HIV-infected children using antiretroviral therapy (ARV) to increase the T-cells CD4+ count in HIV-infected children patients. Clinical stage heavily on lowering the CD4+ count for HIV-infected children. Supplementation of macro and micronutrients can improve the nutritional status of children using antiretroviral HIV. Objectives. The study aimed to analyze the relationship of intake of energy, protein, fat and clinical stage of  nutritional status and CD4 counts for HIV-infected children in the regional district and the city of Semarang.

Methods: A cross-sectional study in The Regional District and the City of  Semarang. The subject of 31 HIV-infected children aged 1-14 years. Data collected included height, body weight, nutrient intake obtained by the method of Food Recall 2x24 hours. The number of CD4+ through blood test subjects. Data were analyzed using the Chi-Square test.

Results: The intake of protein significantly increase the of low CD4+ count (PR = 3.036; p = 0.021; CI = 1.211 to 7.608 and PR = 2.8; p = 0.018; CI = 1.331 to 5.891). Conclusions: Nutrient intake (energy, protein, fat) is not associated with low body weight (WAZ), stunting (HAZ) and nutrient intake (energy, protein, fat) is not associated with low CD4 + incidence (<500 cells/mm3).


KEYWORDS: CD4+ count, HIV-infected children, nutrient intake, stunting 


asupan gizi, HIV anak , jumlah CD4 +, stunting, HIV-infected children, stunting; CD4+ count; nutrient intake

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