The status of dietary diversity score among school-aged children between rural and urban areas

Pramesthi Widya Hapsari, Katri Andini Surijati, Windri Lesmana Rubai



Latar Belakang: Bagi anak sekolah dasar (SD) status gizi yang cukup akan menunjang kemampuan akademiknya di sekolah. Akan tetapi, disaat pembatasan social berskala besar (PSBB) berlaku pengukuran status gizi tidak mungkin dilakukan karena dapat meningkatkan resiko penularan.

Tujuan: mengetahui status gizi anak sekolah dasar (SD) menggunakan skor keberagaman makanan.

Metode: Metode cross sectional digunakan pada penelitian ini dengan mengikutsertakan 58 pasang ibu dan siswa SD di wilayah Banyumas. Pengambilan data keberagaman makanan dilakukan menggunakan kuesioner online melalui google form. Uji analisis yang digunakan adalah uji chi square.

Hasil: Rata-rata siswa SD di Kabupaten Banyumas mengonsumsi 6 kelompok makanan dalam sehari dimana kelompok makanan yang sangat jarang dikonsumsi adalah kelompok daging yaitu sebesar 17.2%. Tiga kelompok makanan yang paling sering dikonsumsi adalah kelompok susu (74.1%), telur (67.2%) dan kacang-kacangan (62.1%). Berdasarkan hasil analisis bivariat, tidak ada perbedaan yang signifikan antara keberagaman makanan siswa SD di wilayah perkotaan dan perdesaan. Namun ada kecenderungan siswa yang tinggal di wilayah perkotaan memiliki skor keberagaman yang lebih tinggi.

Kesimpulan: Tidak ada perbedaan antara keberagaman makanan antara wilayah perkotaan dan perdesaan di Kabupaten Banyumas. Namun ada kecenderungan bahwa siswa di wilayah SD lebih beragam.

KATA KUNCI: COVID 19; keberagaman makanan; perdesaan dan perkotaan; siswa SD



Background: School-aged children should maintain a better nutritional status to ensure the quality of their academic performance. However, during pandemic COVID 19 the weight and height measurement could increase the risk of spreading the virus.

Objectives: To determine the the indicators of school-aged children’s nutritional status using dietary diversity score (DDS).

Methods: In total 58 pairs of mothers and children were included in a cross-sectional study. The data of dietary diversity was collected using an online questionnaire through a google form. The chi-square analysis was used to assess the significant differences.

Results: On average, school-aged children consumed six food groups a day. The three most consumed food groups were oil and fats, sweet and dark leafy vegetables, namely 51, 56, and 53 students respectively. There was a significant difference in the consumption of fresh meat and other fruits between urban and rural areas. Based on bivariate analysis, there was no significant difference in DDS within students’ characteristics. However, there was a better DDS trend within fathers’ occupation, mothers working status, and mothers’ knowledge level.

Conclusions: There was a tendency that plant-based food was mostly consumed in rural areas and animal-based food was mostly consumed in urban areas. Furthermore, the study confirmed parental factors on students' food consumption.

KEYWORDS: COVID 19; dietary diversity score; urban dan rural; school-aged children


COVID 19; keberagaman makanan; perdesaan dan perkotaan; siswa SD;dietary diversity score; COVID 19; urban dan rural; school-aged children

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