The formulation of edamame flour and tuna fish protein hydrolyzate biscuit as an alternative supplementary feeding for stunting

Septi Nur Rachmawati, Ruli Bahyu Antika, Ninna Rohmawati, Rista Dwi Hermilasari


Background: Stunting is the most common malnutrition condition that occurs in Indonesia and is still a problem that has to be solved today. One of the efforts to improve stunting conditions in toddlers is by fulfilling the protein needs through supplementary feeding which has high protein. Biscuits can be a medium for improving nutrition if they are added with certain ingredients. Local foods that can be added to biscuits are edamame soybeans which are processed into edamame flour and tuna which is made into fish protein hydrolyzate (FPH).
Objectives: To find out the best formulation of edamame flour biscuits with the addition of tuna FPH to improve stunting conditions in toddlers.
Methods: This research used a single factor Completely Randomized Design (CRD) with three samples, which were a comparison of edamame flour formulation with tuna FPH with 3 levels (F1 30:10, F2 25:15, and F3 20:20). The research began with making edamame flour, FPH tuna, and the biscuits. Furthermore, edamame flour and tuna FPH biscuits were tested organoleptically which included color, taste, aroma, texture, and overall preferences of 25 semi-trained panelists. The selected formulation will be analyzed for protein, fat, and carbohydrate levels.
Results: Based on organoleptic tests and the total weighting results obtained the selected biscuit formulation was F3. The results of the Kruskal Wallis test showed that the addition of edamame flour and tuna FPH had a significant effect on color preference (p<0.05). Based on laboratory tests, it is known that the selected biscuit formula (F3) has nutritional content per 100 grams: protein 16,81±0,07 g; fat 19,66±0,14 g; carbohydrate 49,05±0,06 g.
Conclusions: The selected biscuit formulation is F3 with 20% edamame flour content and 20% tuna FPH. The protein, fat, and carbohydrate content of the selected biscuits (F3) is higher than the supplementary feeding manufactured biscuits.


edamame flour; tuna; fish protein hydrolyzate; biscuit; stunting

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