The effect of educational animation illustrations on the self-efficacy of post-ORIF (Open Reduction and Internal Fixation) lower extremity patients
Background: Low self-efficacy is currently one of the health problems in post-operative patients. Patients who have undergone surgery can experience decreased self-efficacy due to post-operative complications. Efforts to overcome low self-efficacy can be done through a cognitive behavioral approach by providing education, one of which is through animated illustration educational videos.
Objectives: This study aims to determine the effect of animated illustration education on low patient self-efficacy in performing early mobilization after lower extremity ORIF.
Methods: This study used a “pre-experimental” method with a One Group pre-test post-test design approach. Respondents were selected using a purposive sampling technique, based on the inclusion criteria that had been set, totaling 34 respondents. Respondents were given animated illustration education intervention, then an assessment was conducted whether there was an effect of animated illustration education on respondents' self-efficacy. The research instrument was a self-efficacy measurement questionnaire based on 3 aspects, namely level assessment, generality, and strength. Data analysis test using paired sample t-test (α = 0.001).
Results : The results of the study showed that the patient's self-efficacy score before being given preoperative animated illustration education was relatively low, namely 35.29. After being given education, the average score increased to moderate, namely 43.85. There was an increase in the self-efficacy score of 8.56. The results of the paired sample t-test obtained a p value of 0.001 <ɑ (0.05). This means that there is an effect of providing animated illustration education to lower extremity post-ORIF patients on patient self-efficacy in carrying out early mobilization.
Conclusions: Education based on animated illustration videos can improve patient understanding of post-operative procedures and in turn increase patient self-efficacy or confidence in performing movements, including early mobilization, which will ultimately accelerate the healing process of the disease.
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