Comparison of health education with videos and leaflets on the knowledge of young women about early detection of breast cancer In SMP Negeri 15 Bandung

Wardah Fajriah, Ariyati Mandiri, Didah Didah, Astuti Dyah Bestari, Lani Gumilang


Background: Breast cancer is a malignant tumor that grows in the breast tissue and is the most common cancer disease affecting women in Indonesia with an incidence of 42.1 per 100.000 population and an average death rate of 17 per 100.000 population. The increasing incidence of breast cancer in women as adolescents and young adults is due to several factors such as parity at a young age, family history, gene mutations, and poor lifestyle factors. Early detection of breast cancer through education on causative factors and how to prevent breast cancer and  breast self-examination technique will be very useful to reduce the incidence.

Purpose: This study aimed to determine the comparison of breast cancer early detection health education with video and leaflets on the knowledge of young women about early detection of breast cancer.

Methods: This study used a quasi experiment method with two control group design. Samples collected with consecutive sampling techniques. This study conducted for 7 days in December 2019 on young women at SMP Negeri 15 Bandung with 40 subjects in each group. The technique used to collect the data is questionnaire. The experimental group is given with Video and the control group is given with Leaflet. The bivariate data analysis used Paired T-Test and Non-paired T-test.

Results: The results of this study showed that there was an increase in the knowledge before and after being given video (p = 0.000) and leaflet (0,003) with significant difference in young women who were given video compared to those given leaflets (p=0,000).

Conclusion: there were differences in health education with videos and leaflets on the knowledge of young women about early detection of breast cancer.


early detection of breast cancer; leaflet; health education; knowledge of young women; video.

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