Widya Astuti, Teguh Suripto


Abstract Widya Astutik. 2010. “Factors Affecting Financing Problem In Barokah BMT Artha Yogyakarta in 2013”. Essay. Yogyakarta: School of Theology Alma Ata. KJKS BMT is an institution that serves as an intermediary (Intermediary Institution) fi nancial, KJKS BMT third parties to channel the funds to the community. Among them is the fi nancing of profi t and loss sharing. The background of this study is that the factor of the customer, the bank and is a factor taken into consideration by the Bank to analyze the occurrence of fi nancing problems at BMT Artha Barokah. This study was conducted to determine whether the factor of the customer, the Bank, and infl uence the occurrence of fi nancing problems. This research is a fi eld research (fi eld reserch) with the data collection methods of documentation, because the data used in this research is secondary data obtained from customer data instantly fi lled. The analysis tool used is multiple linear regression testing using aberration test classical linear regression and statistical tests. The results of t test analysis showed that each of the independent variables signifi cantly affect the fi nancing problems in BMT Artha Barokah Yogyakarta. In the F test showed that the independent variables and external customers signifi cant effect, while the factors did not signifi cantly affect bank fi nancing problems. The determinansi coeffi cient (R ²) of 0.56, which means fi nancing bermasalahpada BMT Artha Barokah able to be explained by the independent variable of 56.1% and the remaining 43.9% is infl uenced by other variables outside this research model. Keywords: Affe cting fi nancing problem

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.21927/jesi.2015.5(1).49-62



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