Muryani Arsal, Fitri Fitri


E-learning refers to the transformation of knowledge through a network on a computer or other electronic device. This study aims to determine the perception of accounting student satisfaction with e-learning accounting courses before and during Covid-19 at the Muhammadiyah University of Makassar, Indonesia. Data was collected from a sample of 328 students enrolled accounting courses. The research employs a quantitative design, with data was collected through google form. Data were analysis using SPSS to determine student demographics, data normality and to investigate differences in students satisfaction with accounting e-learning before and during the covid. The findings reveal differences in accounting students satisfaction of before and during covid-19 towards accounting e-learning. The study also, indicated that students' perceptions of e-learning are influenced by students' knowledge of technology and the availability of internet access and the high cost of data.


e-learning, higher education, student satisfaction

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Agung, A. S. N., & Surtikanti, M. W. (2020). Students’ Perception of Online Learning during COVID-19 Pandemic: A Case Study on the English Students of STKIP Pamane Talino. SOSHUM : Jurnal Sosial Dan Humaniora, 10(2), 225–235.

Al-Harrasi, H., Al-Khanjari, Z., & Sarrab, M. (2015). Proposing a new design approach for M-learning applications. International Journal of Software Engineering and Its Applications, 9(11), 11–24.

Al-Hunaiyyan, A., Al-Sharhan, S., & Alhajri, R. (2017). A New Mobile Learning Model in the Context of the Smart Classrooms Environment: A Holistic Approach. International Journal of Interactive Mobile Technologies (IJIM), 11(3), 39.

Alawani, A. S., & Singh, A. D. (2017). A Smart Mobile Learning Conceptual Framework for Professional Development of UAE In-Service Teachers. International Journal Of Management and Applied Research, 4(3), 146–165.

Aldiab, A., Chowdhury, H., Kootsookos, A., & Alam, F. (2017). Prospect of eLearning in Higher Education Sectors of Saudi Arabia: A Review. Energy Procedia, 110(December 2016), 574–580.

Ally, M., & Prieto-Blázquez, J. (2014). What is the future of mobile learning in education? RUSC Universities and Knowledge Society Journal, 11(1), 142–151.

Alvino, F., Di Vaio, A., Hassan, R., & Palladino, R. (2020). Intellectual capital and sustainable development: A systematic literature review. Journal of Intellectual Capital.

Arniati, Arsal, M., Asdar, & Akhmad Adiningrat, A. A. (2020). Impression of Student Knowledge on Decisions Become a Customer of Islamic Banks positive and significant effect on the decision to become a customer of a. International Journal of Business Economics (IJBE), 1(2), 145–152.

Arsal, M., Hamid, N. I. N. bt A., Arsal, R., & Basri, M. (2014). Consumer behavior of the Islamic Banking. International Journal of Science Commerce and Humanities, 2(7), 59–64.

Bao, W. (2020). COVID ‐19 and online teaching in higher education: A case study of Peking University . Human Behavior and Emerging Technologies, 2(2), 113–115.

Chopra, G., Madan, P., Jaisingh, P., & Bhaskar, P. (2019). Effectiveness of e-learning portal from students’ perspective: A structural equation model (SEM) approach. Interactive Technology and Smart Education, 16(2), 94–116.

Creswell, J. W. (2009). Research Design Qualitative, Quantitative, and Mixed Methods Approaches. SAGE Publication,Inc.

Demuyakor, J. (2020). Coronavirus (COVID-19) and Online Learning in Higher Institutions of Education: A Survey of the Perceptions of Ghanaian International Students in China. Online Journal of Communication and Media Technologies, 10(3), e202018.

Di Vaio, A., Boccia, F., Landriani, L., & Palladino, R. (2020). Artificial intelligence in the agri-food system: Rethinking sustainable business models in the COVID-19 scenario. Sustainability (Switzerland), 12(12), 1–12.

Dunn, P. K., Richardson, A., Oprescu, F., & McDonald, C. (2013). Mobile-phone-based classroom response systems: Students’ perceptions of engagement and learning in a large undergraduate course. International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology, 44(8), 1160–1174.

Editorial. (2020). The education revolution must be equalized. Nature, 585, 482.

Ellis, R. A., Ginns, P., & Piggott, L. (2009). E-learning in higher education: Some key aspects and their relationship to approaches to study. Higher Education Research and Development, 28(3), 303–318.

Fedynich, L., Bradley, K. S., & Bradley, J. (2015). Graduate students’ perceptions of online learning. Research in Higher Education Journal, 27(27), 1–13.

Garcia-Martinez, I., Fernandez-Batanero, J. M., Sanchiz, D. C., & Rosa, A. L. de la. (2019). Using Mobile Devices for Improving Learning Outcomes and Teachers ’ Professionalization. Sustainability, 11(6917), 1–12.

Gupta, S. B., & Gupta, M. (2020). Technology and e-learning in higher education. International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, 29(4), 1320–1325.

Huang, R., D, L., Tlili, A., Knyazeva, S., Chang, T., Chang, X., Burgos, D., Jemni, M., Zhang, M., Zhuang, R., & C Holotescu. (2020). Guidance on Open Educational Practices during School Closures : Utilizing OER under COVID-19 Pandemic in line with UNESCO OER Recommendation Please cite the work as follows : Unesco, 1.

Kresnandra, A. A. N. A., & Anggara, I. W. G. W. P. (2022). Moderasi Persepsi Kegunaan dan Kemudahan Pembelajaran terhadap Pengaruh Minat Belajar pada Tingkat Pemahaman Akuntansi. Jurnal Akuntansi, 32(1), 3406–3421.

Lowenthal, J. N. (2010). Using mobile learning: Determinates impacting behavioral intention. American Journal of Distance Education, 24(4), 195–206.

Ma, Q., & Liu, L. (2011). The Technology Acceptance Model. Advanced Topics in End User Computing, Volume 4, January.

Md. Shamim Mondol, & Mohammad Golam Mohiuddin. (2020). Confronting Covid-19 with a Paradigm Shift in Teaching and Learning: A Study on Online Classes. International Journal of Social, Political and Economic Research, 7(2), 231–247.

Mondol, M. S., & Mohiuddin, M. G. (2020). Confronting Covid-19 with a Paradigm Shift in Teaching and Learning: As Study on Online Classes. International Journal of Social Science and Economic Research, 07(02), 231–247.

Mouratidis, K., & Papagiannakis, A. (2021). COVID-19 , internet , and mobility : The rise of telework , telehealth ,. Sustainable Cities and Society, 74(July), 103182.

Nurulhidayah, Arsal, M., & Amin, A. R. S. (2024). Pengaruh Kegunaan Dan Kemudahan Terhadap Minat Menggunakan Layanan Mobile Banking BNI Syariah Dengan Kepercayaan Sebagai Variabel Mediasi. (IJMA ) Indonesian Journal of Management and Accounting, 5(2), 128.

Paechter, M., & Maier, B. (2010). Online or face-to-face? Students’ experiences and preferences in e-learning. Internet and Higher Education, 13(4), 292–297.

Peters, A., Vetter, P., Guitart, C., Lotfinejad, N., & Pittet, D. (2020). Understanding the emerging coronavirus : what it means for health security and infection prevention. Journal of Hospital Infection, 104(January), 440–448.

Reimers, F., Schleicher, A., Saavedra, J., & Tuominen, S. (2020). Supporting the continuation of teaching and learning during the COVID-19 pandemic. Oecd, 1–38.

Roberts, N., & Rees, M. (2014). Student use of mobile devices in university lectures. Australasian Journal of Educational Technology, 30(4), 415–426.

Roff, K. A. (2018). Student Satisfaction and/or Dissatisfaction in Blended Learning Environments. Frontiers in Education Technology, 1(2), 149.

Sahu, P. (2020). Closure of Universities Due to Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19): Impact on Education and Mental Health of Students and Academic Staff. Cureus, 2019(4), 4–9.

Shahzad, A., Hassan, R., Aremu, A. Y., Hussain, A., & Lodhi, R. N. (2020). Effects of COVID-19 in E-learning on higher education institution students: the group comparison between male and female. Quality and Quantity, 0123456789.

Sherif, M. (2020). The impact of Coronavirus ( COVID-19 ) outbreak on faith-based investments : An original analysis. Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Finance, 28(January), 1–9.

Sun, P.-C., Tsai, R. J., Finger, G., Chen, Y. Y., & Yeh, D. (2008). What drives a successful e-Learning? An empirical investigation of the critical factors influencing learner satisfaction. Computers and Education, 50(4), 1183–1202.

Timbowo, D. (2016). Manfaat Penggunaan Smartphone Sebagai Media Komunikasi (Studi pada Mahasiswa Jurusan Ilmu Komunikasi Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Politik Universitas Sam Ratulangi). E-Journal “Acta Diurna,” V(2), 1–13.

Toepoel, V., & Schonlau, M. (2017). Dealing with nonresponse : Strategies to increase participation and methods for postsurvey adjustments. Mathematical Population Studies, 24(2), 79–83.

Unesco. (2020). UNESCO COVID-19 Education Response Education Sector issue notes TVET systems and labour markets. Unesco, April, 1–6.

Urh, M., Vukovic, G., Jereb, E., & Pintar, R. (2015). The Model for Introduction of Gamification into E-learning in Higher Education. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 197(February), 388–397.

Wiswanatha Mada, I. G., & Putri, P. (2021). Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) for Analysis of Online Banking use in PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia, Tbk. Gianyar Branch. 3, 12–18.

Yilmaz, O. (2016). E-Learning: Students Input for Using Mobile Devices in Science Instructional Settings. Journal of Education and Learning, 5(3), 182.

Zamfiroiu, A., & Sbora, C. (2014). Statistical Analysis of the Behavior for Mobile E-learning. Procedia Economics and Finance, 10(14), 237–243.

Agung, A. S. N., & Surtikanti, M. W. (2020). Students’ Perception of Online Learning during COVID-19 Pandemic: A Case Study on the English Students of STKIP Pamane Talino. SOSHUM : Jurnal Sosial Dan Humaniora, 10(2), 225–235.

Al-Harrasi, H., Al-Khanjari, Z., & Sarrab, M. (2015). Proposing a new design approach for M-learning applications. International Journal of Software Engineering and Its Applications, 9(11), 11–24.

Al-Hunaiyyan, A., Al-Sharhan, S., & Alhajri, R. (2017). A New Mobile Learning Model in the Context of the Smart Classrooms Environment: A Holistic Approach. International Journal of Interactive Mobile Technologies (IJIM), 11(3), 39.

Alawani, A. S., & Singh, A. D. (2017). A Smart Mobile Learning Conceptual Framework for Professional Development of UAE In-Service Teachers. International Journal Of Management and Applied Research, 4(3), 146–165.

Aldiab, A., Chowdhury, H., Kootsookos, A., & Alam, F. (2017). Prospect of eLearning in Higher Education Sectors of Saudi Arabia: A Review. Energy Procedia, 110(December 2016), 574–580.

Ally, M., & Prieto-Blázquez, J. (2014). What is the future of mobile learning in education? RUSC Universities and Knowledge Society Journal, 11(1), 142–151.

Alvino, F., Di Vaio, A., Hassan, R., & Palladino, R. (2020). Intellectual capital and sustainable development: A systematic literature review. Journal of Intellectual Capital.

Arniati, Arsal, M., Asdar, & Akhmad Adiningrat, A. A. (2020). Impression of Student Knowledge on Decisions Become a Customer of Islamic Banks positive and significant effect on the decision to become a customer of a. International Journal of Business Economics (IJBE), 1(2), 145–152.

Arsal, M., Hamid, N. I. N. bt A., Arsal, R., & Basri, M. (2014). Consumer behavior of the Islamic Banking. International Journal of Science Commerce and Humanities, 2(7), 59–64.

Bao, W. (2020). COVID ‐19 and online teaching in higher education: A case study of Peking University . Human Behavior and Emerging Technologies, 2(2), 113–115.

Chopra, G., Madan, P., Jaisingh, P., & Bhaskar, P. (2019). Effectiveness of e-learning portal from students’ perspective: A structural equation model (SEM) approach. Interactive Technology and Smart Education, 16(2), 94–116.

Creswell, J. W. (2009). Research Design Qualitative, Quantitative, and Mixed Methods Approaches. SAGE Publication,Inc.

Demuyakor, J. (2020). Coronavirus (COVID-19) and Online Learning in Higher Institutions of Education: A Survey of the Perceptions of Ghanaian International Students in China. Online Journal of Communication and Media Technologies, 10(3), e202018.

Di Vaio, A., Boccia, F., Landriani, L., & Palladino, R. (2020). Artificial intelligence in the agri-food system: Rethinking sustainable business models in the COVID-19 scenario. Sustainability (Switzerland), 12(12), 1–12.

Dunn, P. K., Richardson, A., Oprescu, F., & McDonald, C. (2013). Mobile-phone-based classroom response systems: Students’ perceptions of engagement and learning in a large undergraduate course. International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology, 44(8), 1160–1174.

Editorial. (2020). The education revolution must be equalized. Nature, 585, 482.

Ellis, R. A., Ginns, P., & Piggott, L. (2009). E-learning in higher education: Some key aspects and their relationship to approaches to study. Higher Education Research and Development, 28(3), 303–318.

Fedynich, L., Bradley, K. S., & Bradley, J. (2015). Graduate students’ perceptions of online learning. Research in Higher Education Journal, 27(27), 1–13.

Garcia-Martinez, I., Fernandez-Batanero, J. M., Sanchiz, D. C., & Rosa, A. L. de la. (2019). Using Mobile Devices for Improving Learning Outcomes and Teachers ’ Professionalization. Sustainability, 11(6917), 1–12.

Gupta, S. B., & Gupta, M. (2020). Technology and e-learning in higher education. International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, 29(4), 1320–1325.

Huang, R., D, L., Tlili, A., Knyazeva, S., Chang, T., Chang, X., Burgos, D., Jemni, M., Zhang, M., Zhuang, R., & C Holotescu. (2020). Guidance on Open Educational Practices during School Closures : Utilizing OER under COVID-19 Pandemic in line with UNESCO OER Recommendation Please cite the work as follows : Unesco, 1.

Kresnandra, A. A. N. A., & Anggara, I. W. G. W. P. (2022). Moderasi Persepsi Kegunaan dan Kemudahan Pembelajaran terhadap Pengaruh Minat Belajar pada Tingkat Pemahaman Akuntansi. Jurnal Akuntansi, 32(1), 3406–3421.

Lowenthal, J. N. (2010). Using mobile learning: Determinates impacting behavioral intention. American Journal of Distance Education, 24(4), 195–206.

Ma, Q., & Liu, L. (2011). The Technology Acceptance Model. Advanced Topics in End User Computing, Volume 4, January.

Md. Shamim Mondol, & Mohammad Golam Mohiuddin. (2020). Confronting Covid-19 with a Paradigm Shift in Teaching and Learning: A Study on Online Classes. International Journal of Social, Political and Economic Research, 7(2), 231–247.

Mondol, M. S., & Mohiuddin, M. G. (2020). Confronting Covid-19 with a Paradigm Shift in Teaching and Learning: As Study on Online Classes. International Journal of Social Science and Economic Research, 07(02), 231–247.

Mouratidis, K., & Papagiannakis, A. (2021). COVID-19 , internet , and mobility : The rise of telework , telehealth ,. Sustainable Cities and Society, 74(July), 103182.

Nurulhidayah, Arsal, M., & Amin, A. R. S. (2024). Pengaruh Kegunaan Dan Kemudahan Terhadap Minat Menggunakan Layanan Mobile Banking BNI Syariah Dengan Kepercayaan Sebagai Variabel Mediasi. (IJMA ) Indonesian Journal of Management and Accounting, 5(2), 128.

Paechter, M., & Maier, B. (2010). Online or face-to-face? Students’ experiences and preferences in e-learning. Internet and Higher Education, 13(4), 292–297.

Peters, A., Vetter, P., Guitart, C., Lotfinejad, N., & Pittet, D. (2020). Understanding the emerging coronavirus : what it means for health security and infection prevention. Journal of Hospital Infection, 104(January), 440–448.

Reimers, F., Schleicher, A., Saavedra, J., & Tuominen, S. (2020). Supporting the continuation of teaching and learning during the COVID-19 pandemic. Oecd, 1–38.

Roberts, N., & Rees, M. (2014). Student use of mobile devices in university lectures. Australasian Journal of Educational Technology, 30(4), 415–426.

Roff, K. A. (2018). Student Satisfaction and/or Dissatisfaction in Blended Learning Environments. Frontiers in Education Technology, 1(2), 149.

Sahu, P. (2020). Closure of Universities Due to Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19): Impact on Education and Mental Health of Students and Academic Staff. Cureus, 2019(4), 4–9.

Shahzad, A., Hassan, R., Aremu, A. Y., Hussain, A., & Lodhi, R. N. (2020). Effects of COVID-19 in E-learning on higher education institution students: the group comparison between male and female. Quality and Quantity, 0123456789.

Sherif, M. (2020). The impact of Coronavirus ( COVID-19 ) outbreak on faith-based investments : An original analysis. Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Finance, 28(January), 1–9.

Sun, P.-C., Tsai, R. J., Finger, G., Chen, Y. Y., & Yeh, D. (2008). What drives a successful e-Learning? An empirical investigation of the critical factors influencing learner satisfaction. Computers and Education, 50(4), 1183–1202.

Timbowo, D. (2016). Manfaat Penggunaan Smartphone Sebagai Media Komunikasi (Studi pada Mahasiswa Jurusan Ilmu Komunikasi Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Politik Universitas Sam Ratulangi). E-Journal “Acta Diurna,” V(2), 1–13.

Toepoel, V., & Schonlau, M. (2017). Dealing with nonresponse : Strategies to increase participation and methods for postsurvey adjustments. Mathematical Population Studies, 24(2), 79–83.

Unesco. (2020). UNESCO COVID-19 Education Response Education Sector issue notes TVET systems and labour markets. Unesco, April, 1–6.

Urh, M., Vukovic, G., Jereb, E., & Pintar, R. (2015). The Model for Introduction of Gamification into E-learning in Higher Education. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 197(February), 388–397.

Wiswanatha Mada, I. G., & Putri, P. (2021). Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) for Analysis of Online Banking use in PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia, Tbk. Gianyar Branch. 3, 12–18.

Yilmaz, O. (2016). E-Learning: Students Input for Using Mobile Devices in Science Instructional Settings. Journal of Education and Learning, 5(3), 182.

Zamfiroiu, A., & Sbora, C. (2014). Statistical Analysis of the Behavior for Mobile E-learning. Procedia Economics and Finance, 10(14), 237–243.


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