The Influence of Dividend Policy, Leverage, and Company Growth on the Value of Study Companies in MNC36

Adhillani Tahta Arsyika, Achmad Zaki


Company value can also be influenced by the size of dividends. If the dividends paid by the company to investors are high, then share prices tend to be high so that the value of the company is also high. If dividends are paid by the company to small investors, the company's share price will also be low. The ability to pay dividends is closely related to the company's ability to earn profits. If the company earns large profits, then the company's ability to distribute dividends is also large. Large dividend distribution will increase company value. Dividend policy also affects company value. The dividend itself is a partial net profit distributed to shareholders based on their share ownership. Every company wants growth for the company, but on the other hand, the company also has to pay dividends to investors. Dividend policy is an integral part of the company's debt policy which concerns the issue of using profits that are the rights of shareholders or investors. Profits earned by the company can be distributed as dividends or retained for reinvestment. This research aims to evaluate how dividend policy, leverage, and company growth impact company value. High dividend, leverage, and growth policies do not always guarantee that the company's value will be high. The success of a company in achieving high value is desired by all internal and external parties because it produces prosperity for shareholders. The total sample of 36 MNC36 companies in the 2022 period was collected via the official Indonesian stock exchange website, based on DPR, DER, AGR, and PBV criteria. The probability sampling technique is used for sampling. T-test (partial), multiple linear regression analysis, and classical assumption tests were used to analyze the data. The research findings conclude that dividend policy, leverage, and company growth do not affect the value of the MNC36 company in 2022.


Dividend Policy (DPR), Leverage (DER), Company Growth (AGR), Company Value (PBV)

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