Indeks Massa Tubuh (IMT) Pra Hamil dan Kenaikan Berat Badan Ibu Selama Hamil Berhubungan dengan Berat Badan Bayi Lahir

Eka Nurhayati, Sandra Fikawati


Prepregnancy BMI (Body Mass Index) is used as a guide to the nutritional status of the mother before pregnancy and also determine the optimal weight gain in pregnancy. Meanwhile, weight gain during pregnancy is a decisive indicator of the nutritional status of the mother. This retrospective study design aimed to determine the relationship of pre-pregnant BMI and maternal weight gain during pregnancy with birth weight babies. The sample was 71 mothers with children aged 0-6 months were selected by purposive sampling. The results showed 67.6% most respondents in this study had pre-pregnant BMI normal and 62% of respondents experienced weight gain during pregnancy, according to the recommendations. There is a significant relationship between pre-pregnant BMI birth weight (p=0.006), as well as weight gain during pregnancy had no significant relationship with birth weight, with p=0.024.


pre-pregnancy BMI; weight gain; birth weight

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